Over a ten month period participants in the programme attended six full day workshops, completed three examined coursework assignments and undertook three formal examinations. Reaching the necessary standard required considerable hard work and dedication. Of the 63 teachers that started the programme, 16 fell by the wayside. But for the remaining 47 it was all worth it.
And on the 25th of April we held a presentation ceremony to celebrate their achievement at the School of Veterinary Medicine, Addis Ababa University.
It was an exciting day for all involved. Along with the usual newspaper reporters there was a television film crew interviewing SPANA staff and ICHE graduates alike. Animal welfare education is big news in Ethiopia. The ceremony itself was a formal affair, but the anticipation in the room was tangible.
After a wonderful singing performance by animal club members from Kera Hora Primary School we were treated to speeches from various dignitaries, including SPANA’s own Chief Executive, Jeremy Hulme. Then it was the main event; the award ceremony itself with the successful candidates receiving their certification endorsed by the University, SPANA, HSUS and the Bureau of Education.