donkey wearing a noseband cover
donkey wearing a noseband cover

Stop pain with noseband and chest strap covers

In the countries where SPANA works, we often see wounds on the noses and chests of horses, mules and donkeys, due to badly designed and ill fitting harnessing.

While in the long term we aim to help change the methods of harnessing used overseas we can also help to relieve a lot of the suffering by distributing noseband and chest strap covers kindly made for us by supporters like you.

a donkey wearing a noseband with owner

To find out how you can make these incredibly useful nosebands and harness covers you can download our ‘Noseband and chest strap covers instructions’ PDF now.

These easy to make covers are simple for us to take overseas as they are light and can be packed around other essential medicines and equipment, and they are very popular with owners.

Once you’ve finished make sure to post all items to SPANA’s head office at 14 John Street, London, WC1N 2EB.

If you have any queries, please do get in touch.