World Animal Day 2022

On World Animal Day this year (4 October 2022), we are highlighting the plight of animals working in the most extreme conditions across the world.

Many working animals in the world’s most impoverished communities face tough conditions and hard lives, often carrying heavy loads in sweltering heat on rough or dangerous terrain.

From the donkeys working on the towering rubbish dumps of Bamako in Mali to the working camels in the brick kilns of northern India, many animals endure exceptionally harsh environments and poor welfare. They often lack water, shelter and rest, have inadequate nutrition and unsafe equipment, and lack access to essential veterinary care when they are sick or injured.

Thankfully, SPANA is offering a lifeline to working animals in low-income countries globally. Our teams are improving the welfare of working horses, donkeys, camels, mules, oxen and other animals by providing vital veterinary treatment and vaccinations, along with lifesaving feed and water for animals in crisis situations. SPANA is also transforming the lives of animals by training owners in animal care and teaching animal welfare lessons to children to bring about long-term, lasting change.

This World Animal Day, we’re asking for your support to ensure that working animals throughout the world – including those facing the most challenging of conditions – are able to live free from suffering and can receive the urgent help they need.

Nadia’s story

Nadia the mule, from Morocco, is just one of many animals working in extreme conditions across the world. Working in the High Atlas Mountains, alongside her owner Brahim, Nadia treks across steep, rocky terrain in a challenging climate for four to five hours each day.

One day, Brahim noticed that Nadia was struggling to walk and knew he needed to seek urgent veterinary assistance. Click here to find out how the SPANA mobile clinic helped to ensure Nadia was able to walk again.

Our celebrity supporters say...

Paul O’Grady MBE, Ambassador for SPANA, said:

‘Around the world, working animals endure extremely challenging conditions and are at severe risk from injury, exhaustion and disease. A vast, global workforce of donkeys, camels, horses, mules and oxen has an indispensable role supporting communities struggling to earn a basic living – but all too often the needs of these animals are neglected. 

‘It’s essential that the welfare of these animals is looked after and this is why SPANA’s work is so important. SPANA is providing sick and injured animals with vital veterinary care, along with vaccinations to protect them. By advising owners on animal care, the charity is also ensuring that the lives of working animals are improving – with proper rest, shelter from the elements and adequate nutrition. 

‘On World Animal Day, I urge all animal lovers to show their support for SPANA and the charity’s work transforming the welfare of working animals. 

Dame Twiggy Lawson DBE, Ambassador for SPANA, said:

‘Working animals are the world’s unsung heroes. They transport food, water and firewood, so that families in impoverished communities can have the most basic of necessities.

‘Yet, there is barely any awareness about the plight of working animals; many of which work in unimaginable conditions. Day-in, day-out, many animals walk long distances in scorching heat and hazardous environments. They are often overloaded and lack both water and shade from the sun.

‘It’s a terrible situation, but there is hope for working animals worldwide. SPANA is a lifeline for these animals, ensuring that they receive essential care and that their working conditions are improved – including training owners to replace harmful equipment with safe alternatives and providing a supply of fresh water throughout the day.

‘Please join me this World Animal Day in recognising the astonishing efforts of these working animals – and SPANA’s constant drive to improve their lives.’

Brian Blessed OBE, Ambassador for SPANA, said:

‘It is hard to imagine toiling in temperatures reaching 50 degrees and having to work for hours on end in harsh and dangerous conditions. But, sadly, this is the reality for many working animals across the world.

‘In such extreme working conditions, wounds, injury and malnutrition are all too common problems for working animals, which often lack access to the essential care they need. Thankfully, SPANA teams are working tirelessly to help working animals in desperate need.

‘The charity is making a lifesaving difference, administering vital veterinary treatment, providing safe and comfortable equipment and advising owners how to look after their animals properly.

‘This World Animal Day, I am calling on everyone to support SPANA’s work and ensure that the welfare of working animals is never forgotten.’

Peter Egan, Ambassador for SPANA, said:

‘Across the world, millions of working animals endure extreme conditions and punishingly hard lives. In tough environments, these animals work on, supporting impoverished families who depend on them for their survival.

‘Often working in unbearably high temperatures, transporting backbreaking loads across rough terrain, the day-to-day existence of these animals is unthinkable. But SPANA is offering for working animals globally – providing fresh water, shelter and access to vital veterinary care.

‘On World Animal Day, please join me in supporting SPANA and making sure that working animals – including those facing tough conditions – can live healthier lives, free from pain.’

Dr Marc Abraham OBE, Ambassador for SPANA, said:

‘On this World Animal Day, it’s time for everyone to recognise the critically important role played by working animals in low-income countries around the globe. Through their relentless hard work, working animals help families to earn a small income and put food on the table. They often carry out these roles in sweltering heat and demanding conditions.

‘Working animals have no voice, but thankfully SPANA is there for them, championing their welfare and caring for their health and wellbeing. In even the most remote and inaccessible locations, SPANA vets are providing animals with lifesaving treatment across the world. The training they are delivering to owners is also spreading throughout communities and is helping to bring about a better future for working animals.

‘I wholeheartedly support SPANA this World Animal Day and everything the charity is doing for working animals around the world.’

Dr James Greenwood, Ambassador for SPANA, said:

‘I’ve had the honour of visiting Morocco to see first-hand the work of SPANA and the challenges working animals and my fellow vets face in such a difficult working environment. The mobile clinics that visit rural areas are a world away from the comfortable clinics we’re used to in the UK. There’s a huge need for the free veterinary care that SPANA provides.  

‘This World Animal Day, I’m sending my thanks to their fantastic vet staff, who are making a huge difference to working animals and the people who depend on them.’ 

Previous World Animal Day campaigns

Mules walking on mountain

World Animal Day 2018

For World Animal Day 2018, we're raising awareness of overlooked animals – the working horses, donkeys, mules, camels and elephants that help globally.

Donkey and foal in field

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Mules walking on mountain

World Animal Day 2018

For World Animal Day 2018, we're raising awareness of overlooked animals – the working horses, donkeys, mules, camels and elephants that help globally.

Donkey and foal in field

World Animal Day 2017

To mark World Animal Day on 4 October, we are raising awareness about the essential role working animals play around the world, supporting the livelihoods...

gita and her owner

Gita weathers a dangerous storm

When a devastating cyclone struck the Indian state of Odisha, thousands of working animals were left without food or shelter. Read how SPANA helped.

gita and her owner

Gita weathers a dangerous storm

When a devastating cyclone struck the Indian state of Odisha, thousands of working animals were left without food or shelter. Read how SPANA helped.