Two donkeys in a field with children watching one man look at the donkey's nose.
Two donkeys in a field with children watching one man look at the donkey's nose.

Helping working animals in Uganda

In a country where many rural families depend on their donkeys to enable them to earn a small income, we’re working to improve the health and welfare of working donkeys in Uganda by providing free veterinary treatment and teaching communities and children how to care for them.

Uganda at a glance

  • Population: 45.8 million 
  • Area: 241,037 square km 
  • Location: East Africa 
  • Capital city: Kampala 
  • Estimated number of working donkeys: 21,619 
  • Number of working animals treated in 2022: 4,323 
  • Number of animal owners trained in 2022: 3,022 
  • Number of veterinary professionals trained in 2022: 102 
  • Number of children receiving humane education in 2022: 150 

Our work in Uganda

Our vets visit communities in Sironko and Amudat, in the north and east of Uganda, to treat donkeys in need of help. The most common treatments provided are for preventative deworming, wounds and parasites.

SPANA also promotes animal welfare by providing training to owners about the basic needs of animals, as well as help and advice on issues such as correct harnessing. Community members have formed a donkey welfare association and key messages are broadcast on local radio stations.

In Uganda, our fun and interactive educational activities are teaching Uganda’s children how to develop feelings of compassion and respect for working animals.

We’re also working to stop the global trade in donkey skins for use in traditional medicine. In Uganda, we work with communities to raise awareness of the issue and how owners can protect their donkeys from theft. We are also undertaking key research to inform wider policy, enforcement and planning.

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