Inside a SPANA vet clinic in Mozambique with three vets looking to the right
Inside a SPANA vet clinic in Mozambique with three vets looking to the right

Helping working animals in Mozambique

In rural Mozambique, working animals, especially donkeys, are used for transport. These hardworking animals are a lifeline for communities who, without them, would face long and difficult journeys to school, to seek medical help, or to reach nearby towns and villages. We’re training veterinary students in Mozambique so that they have the knowledge and confidence to treat working equids in need of vital veterinary care.

Mozambique at a glance

  • Population: 32 million 
  • Area: 801,590 square km 
  • Location: Southern Africa 
  • Capital city: Maputo 
  • Estimated number of working animals: 51,350 
  • Number of clinical skills centres: One 
  • Number of veterinary professionals trained in 2022: 41 

Our work in Mozambique

In Mozambique, our clinical skills centre enables vets-in-training to gain invaluable practical, hands-on knowledge of treating illnesses and injuries in working animals.

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