Education Resources for Schools


At SPANA, we understand the essential role that working animals play in low-income countries. But we believe that a life of work needn’t be a life of suffering – compassion, respect and empathy are the least that any hardworking animal deserves.

SPANA’s humane education programme reaches children at a young age, teaching the value of kindness before attitudes become fixed.

Our teams working through animal club networks, by visiting communities in rural communities and by supporting teachers in delivering humane education within communities far beyond the reach of our veterinary programme.


Our approach promotes the Five Welfare Needs (originally the ‘Five Freedoms’), which were first suggested as a way of ensuring that animals had their basic needs fulfilled by those who cared for them.

  • Animals need access to fresh water and a suitable diet that will keep them healthy.
  • Animals need adequate shelter and somewhere comfortable to rest.
  • Animals need access to veterinary treatment but also steps should be taken to prevent pain, injury or disease.
  • Animals need the company of other animals of their own kind, enough space and proper facilities so they can behave in a natural way.
  • Animals need to be kept in conditions that mean they will not suffer and need to be treated in a way that does not frighten them or distress them.

To find out more about our work and the resources available to deliver humane education, get in touch at

Spana in numbers


veterinary treatments given in the last year


fixed and mobile clinics around the world


pieces of humane equipment distributed in the last year

See some of the countries where we operate

A donkey in Ethiopia with a visible harness wound on its chest.

Unbearable harness wounds are making every day a misery for working animals. Will you help them?

Working animals are suffering from the unbearable agony of preventable harness wounds.

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Three dogs kept in tiny, cramped, dark, kennels without bedding or enrichment.

Working dogs in Malawi are suffering

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Donkey carrying four large containers with a man wearing a white shirt walking alongside it

Helping working animals in Tunisia

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Two men in blue SPANA vet overalls holding a horses mouth

How Leaving a Bequest to Charity Could Make a Lasting Difference

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SPANA welcomes historic ban on deadly donkey skin trade

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donkey getting treatment

What is Tetanus?

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