SPANA welcomes historic ban on deadly donkey skin trade
SPANA is thrilled to announce that, working alongside partners, we have been instrumental in securing a historic ban on the donkey skin trade across Africa.
The moratorium was announced on Sunday 18 February 2024 at the 37th Ordinary Session of the African Union Assembly in Addis Abana, Ethiopia, where assembled heads of state and government agreed to adopt a ban on the horrific trade.
This monumental achievement will protect millions of donkeys at risk of being slaughtered for ‘ejiao’ – an ingredient extracted from the collagen in donkey skins used in traditional Chinese remedies and beauty products.
Linda Edwards, Chief Executive of SPANA, said: ‘This is a historic development for working animal welfare and represents an enormous achievement for SPANA and our partners. The moratorium will save the lives of donkeys across Africa and will also help safeguard the future of the communities they support through their daily work.’