Help us transform the lives of working animals around the world

By donating to SPANA today, you will support us in striving for a world where every working animal lives a healthy and valued life and is treated with compassion.

Whether you make a single donation or pledge a monthly gift, you are helping to improve the lives of working animals.

We treat animals by providing essential veterinary care to aid those in desperate need. We train owners to work more compassionately and effectively with animals. We teach children about animal welfare so the next generation will grow up giving working animals the kindness and respect they deserve.

But we can only do this with your kind support.

Please be there for the working animals of the world by donating today. Thank you so much.

Your donation will be used to support SPANA’s vital projects and where it is required the most to help animals in need.

In the last year:

working animals treated
animal owners trained on good welfare
children taught about animal welfare

Donate by post, bank transfer or phone


Please print and complete our donation form and send it to us at:

SPANA, PO Box 5756, Brendale QLD 4500

Bank transfer:

  • Bank: Commonwealth Bank of Australia
  • Account name: Society for Protection of Animals Abroad
  • BSB: 062 014
  • Account number: 10680206
  • Reference: Please add your Donor ID or name here

Please email us at to let us know you have made a donation so we can acknowledge your kind gift.


Please call 1300 149 080 to make a donation over the phone.

Two donkeys looking happy in a stable

Sponsor a stable

Our stables are a lifeline for thousands of donkeys, horses and mules. Sponsor a stable and provide a haven for sick and injured working animals.

Horse standing next to woman sitting

Philanthropy and major gifts

Discover how a major gift can help promote the wellbeing and welfare of working animals in need.

Two donkeys sniffing each other

Donate in memory

Give a gift in memory of a special person or pet. You can include your beloved pet on our online pet memorial wall.

Two donkeys looking happy in a stable

Sponsor a stable

Our stables are a lifeline for thousands of donkeys, horses and mules. Sponsor a stable and provide a haven for sick and injured working animals.

Horse standing next to woman sitting

Philanthropy and major gifts

Discover how a major gift can help promote the wellbeing and welfare of working animals in need.

Two donkeys sniffing each other

Donate in memory

Give a gift in memory of a special person or pet. You can include your beloved pet on our online pet memorial wall.

To speak to our friendly supporter care team please visit our contact us page and get in touch.