A lifesaving stay at the SPANA stables

Find out how SPANA’s veterinary team saved Went, a donkey who needed three days of intensive care at our veterinary centre in Mauritania.

Went is one of the hundreds of donkeys who transport water in Mauritania’s capital city, Nouakchott. Some parts of the city have no access to a piped water system, so donkeys like Went are used to transport fresh water to families living in these areas.

Went’s dedicated work supports his owner, Sidi. The 42-year-old father took over the care of the donkey when his brother recently passed away. The small income that Sidi earns from delivering water not only supports Sidi’s wife and three children, it also supports his brother’s children who he now cares for.

Sidi became seriously concerned for Went’s health when his donkey refused to eat and appeared to be in severe discomfort. So, he took Went straight to SPANA’s veterinary centre in Nouakchott for urgent treatment.

At the centre, our veterinary staff examined Went, who was clearly in pain. Their examination revealed that Went was suffering from colic and had built up stomach reflux – when food or fluid backs up in the stomach due to a blockage. They emptied Went’s stomach to give the donkey immediate relief, then administered anti-spasmodic medication to help pass the blockage, as well as painkillers to ease Went’s excruciating stomach cramps. Went was then admitted to the stables at the centre for three days for continuous monitoring, treatment and care.

Sidi was so worried about Went that he stayed with his donkey at the centre during his treatment, waiting patiently outside his stable. Fortunately, Went made a full recovery and Sidi was able to take him home. Before he left, the vets advised Sidi about what to feed Went to avoid him suffering from colic again.

Sidi said: ‘My brother owned Went and used to bring him to the SPANA centre for treatment. Sadly, my brother recently passed away. I brought Went here because I knew that SPANA would give the perfect treatment. I am glad to have met the SPANA team and I am happy with the way they treated Went. We can’t live without him because he is our only way to earn a living. Thank you, SPANA.’

Thanks to our compassionate supporters, SPANA’s 16 veterinary centres are a lifeline for thousands of working animals, like Went, who need lifesaving care and intensive treatment. By sponsoring our stables, you can help play a special role in helping seriously sick and injured working animals make a recovery. Your kindness will help us provide the expert treatment, medicines, food, rest and recuperation that these vulnerable animals urgently need. Thank you so much for your support.

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