Two Mauritanian donkeys
Two Mauritanian donkeys

Working Animals Success stories

Vets examine a pony's eyes in Ethiopia

Conjunctivitis threatens a pony’s eyesight

Tirign the pony’s eyes were swollen shut and, without help, she would go blind. Read how SPANA intervened to give relief to this hardworking animal....

An owner and carthorse wait for treatment in Bishoftu, Ethiopia

Amadi’s brush with an angry horse

While waiting outside a market, Amadi the carthorse was badly injured by a kick from another horse. Bleeding and lame, the animal’s only hope was...

Malian woman and her donkey at SPANA mobile clinic

Naka’s excruciating bite wound

Naka was in agony after a wound inflicted by another donkey became infected. Read how her discomfort was alleviated with our speedy intervention.

A SPANA vet tech brushes a donkey in her stall

Habiba gets a second chance

Habiba was abandoned in the wake of Covid-19. Read how SPANA vets rescued her from the streets and found her a loving new home.

Vets examine a brown horse at the SPANA centre in Boghe, Mauritania

Help for an exhausted horse

Samba was lethargic and losing weight, struggling to carry the water to communities that depend on his work.

A donkey receives farriery treatment at the Chemaia, Morocco SPANA centre

Mona struggles to walk

As a result of bad farriery, Mona was in pain and struggling to walk. Read how SPANA vets stepped in to alleviate her discomfort.

An owner stands next to his donkey while a vet examines its infected eye.

Help is in sight for Zina the donkey

Zina the donkey was in danger of losing her sight following an injury that led to an infection.

A SPANA vet and owner wearing Covid-19 masks pose next to a horse foal.

Jamil’s life-threatening infection

Jamil the foal was suffering from an aggressive bladder infection. Due to travel restrictions, his owner wasn’t sure he could reach our centre in time.

A donkey and her owner at a SPANA mobile clinic in Morocco.

Ahmina’s eye infection

An eye infection was threatening Ahmina the donkey’s vision. Read how SPANA vets soothed her discomfort and restored her sight.

A horse struggling to stand as a result of colic is brought to the SPANA clinic.

Yasmine’s colic emergency

As Covid-19 impacts us all, SPANA remains a lifeline for working animals that are suffering as a result. Read how Yasmine the horse was saved from a...

A SPANA vet treats a donkey for parasites.

Ayya’s mysterious weight loss

Ayya the donkey had lost her appetite and was becoming weak. Within a week, she became too lethargic to stand up. Her concerned owner had...

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