Four donkeys standing in a very muddy field
Four donkeys standing in a very muddy field

Helping working animals in Zambia

Working animals are the backbone of rural life in Zambia – used for everything from agricultural tasks to transportation. Find out how we’re providing vital veterinary care to donkeys, horses and cattle in need of our help, and teaching animal welfare lessons to children.

Zambia at a glance

  • Population: 19.5 million 
  • Area: 752,617 square km 
  • Location: Southern Africa 
  • Capital city: Lusaka 
  • Estimated number of working animals (including cattle): 3,821,070 
  • Number of mobile veterinary clinics: One 
  • Number of working animals treated in 2022: 927 
  • Number of children receiving humane education in 2022: 104 

Our work in Zambia

In Zambia, our vets are helping sick and injured donkeys, horses and cattle in desperate need – providing them with lifesaving veterinary treatment.

To improve the welfare of animals in communities, we’re also providing animal welfare classes for children. Our education team in Zambia teaches the next generation of animal owners about practical care and helps them to develop an understanding about the needs of animals, so that they will grow up to become champions for the welfare of working animals.

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