Two donkeys receive treatment from a mobile vet clinic.

Mobile clinics: Save working animals living in isolated communities

Vulnerable working animals living in the world’s most remote areas are suffering. Will you please help by donating today?

SPANA welcomes historic ban on deadly donkey skin trade

SPANA is thrilled to announce that, working alongside partners, we have been instrumental in securing a historic ban on the donkey skin trade across Africa.

The face of a happy donkey in a stable wearing a green harness

Lucky Horseshoe Spring Raffle – Winners Announced!

Thanks to everyone who entered the Lucky Horseshoe Spring Raffle. View the raffle winners here!

Woman celebrating SPANA run with arms raised at Royal Parks Half Marathon

Run the Royal Parks Half Marathon for SPANA

Run for charity in one of the most scenic UK half marathons across central London's Royal Parks. Find out about the Royal Parks Half Marathon.

SPANA welcomes historic ban on deadly donkey skin trade

SPANA is thrilled to announce that, working alongside partners, we have been instrumental in securing a historic ban on the donkey skin trade across Africa.

The face of a happy donkey in a stable wearing a green harness

Lucky Horseshoe Spring Raffle – Winners Announced!

Thanks to everyone who entered the Lucky Horseshoe Spring Raffle. View the raffle winners here!

Woman celebrating SPANA run with arms raised at Royal Parks Half Marathon

Run the Royal Parks Half Marathon for SPANA

Run for charity in one of the most scenic UK half marathons across central London's Royal Parks. Find out about the Royal Parks Half Marathon.

How do we help?

Thanks to the kindness of our supporters, we improve the welfare of working animals in need in low-income communities across the world. SPANA’s global projects are transforming lives and helping to bring about a world where every working animal lives a healthy and valued life.

There are over 


working animals around the world, being used as trucks, tractors and taxis

We treat more than  


working animals in need each year

We provide treatment from over


veterinary facilities worldwide

Programme partnerships

SPANA provides small grant funding, alongside advice and support, to help trusted organisations implement projects that will benefit working animals.

How you can help

Whether it’s making a donation, playing our raffle, sponsoring a stable, raising money, running a marathon, giving your time or leaving a legacy, there are lots of ways you can help working animals with SPANA.