A working donkey receives treatment for eating plastic from two SPANA veterinarians.
Anis needed lifesaving surgery to remove a plastic blockage.

Anis’ lifesaving surgery

The vets carefully examined Anis and found his heart was beating faster than normal and his temperature was very high. He had a serious case of colic and the team suspected a blockage in his system that needed immediate treatment. After failed attempts to get the blockage to pass naturally through, the vets had no choice but to operate to save the young donkey’s life.

With no time to waste, they sedated Anis and took him into surgery to carefully remove the obstruction, which was a plastic bag trapped in his gut.

Without this swift lifesaving operation, Anis’s gut could have ruptured.

Taher said, ‘Without SPANA, my animal would have died, so a big thank you.’

SPANA is the only provider of free veterinary care in Chemaia. It doesn’t bear thinking about what might have happened to Anis if our vets weren’t on hand to save him. If our SPANA centre in Chemaia wasn’t there to provide treatment, Anis would have died. 

The lives of working animals like Anis are at risk from accidentally eating plastic

Cases like Anis’ are sadly becoming more and more common. Many working animals across the areas where we work have no access to food due to rising global poverty. They are forced to fend for themselves and end up eating foreign objects like plastic that cause them harm.

Without your support, we wouldn’t be able to provide treatment and there is a huge risk that many working animals would not survive. Together, we can make sure that fewer working animals have a gut-wrenching last meal of plastic.

Please, if you can, consider making a donation today. Thank you so much.

Thank you

Your generous donations will be used for projects such as those featured in this plastics appeal and where they are required the most to help animals in need.


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