How SPANA helped Nahid the mule beat parasites

Find out how SPANA’s veterinary team in Tunisia provided much-needed veterinary care to a mule suffering from parasites.

A working mule and its owner visit a SPANA mobile clinic in Tunisia

Nahid the mule and her owner, Fahem, work side-by-side transporting essential goods around Foussana, a town in central Tunisia close to the Algerian border. Nahid works hard, pulling heavy loads along busy, uneven roads, in sweltering temperatures so that Fahem can support his family.

Fahem decided to take Nahid for a check-up at their local SPANA mobile clinic in Foussana when he noticed that Nahid wasn’t her usual self. She had become weaker and was off her food.

A working mule in Tunisia is treated for parasites at a SPANA mobile clinic

At the mobile clinic, SPANA’s veterinary team gave Nahid a full examination. After some tests, they diagnosed her as suffering from internal parasites. Parasites drain working animals of the nutrients they need, leading to malnutrition, fatigue and a range of debilitating health issues that can be fatal.

Thankfully, veterinary treatment for parasites is simple and effective. Our vets administered an anti-parasite treatment called Ivermectin and advised Fahem to rest Nahid until she had gained her strength back. They also gave Fahem lots of practical advice about recognising the signs and symptoms of parasites.

A working mule was treated for parasites at a SPANA veterinary clinic in Tunisia

Fahem thanked our vets for all their help. He said: ‘Thank you for helping my mule. I wouldn’t be able to work without her.’

Parasites – whether internal or external – can cause unimaginable torment for working animals like Nahid. Although at low levels some parasites can be relatively harmless, left unchecked, parasites can cause all kinds of problems for working animals, and can even be fatal in the worst cases. Your kindness enables our vets to provide essential veterinary care to working animals suffering from parasites. Thank you for your ongoing support.

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