Laloiya the donkey’s sore back 

Laloiya the brick kiln donkey was suffering from a wound on her back. Find out how SPANA vets in India helped ease her pain.

A brick kiln donkey and owner visit a SPANA mobile clinic in India

Laloiya is one of the many donkeys who work in India’s construction industry. She works in a brick kiln in Anklav, a city in northern India, so that her owner, Kamlesh, can support his wife and children.

Their work is incredibly tough. To avoid the hottest part of the day, Laloiya starts work in the early hours of the morning, pulling cartloads of heavy bricks back and forth from burning hot ovens for up to seven hours a day.

In such unforgiving conditions, injuries and illnesses are inevitable. That’s why SPANA’s mobile veterinary clinic regularly visits Laloiya’s brick kiln to ensure that the hardworking donkeys receive the treatment and care they so desperately need.

A brick kiln donkey receives veterinary care at a SPANA mobile clinic in India

Laloiya was seen by the veterinary team at our mobile clinic when she developed a small wound on her back, close to her tail. The wound had been caused by her homemade harness rubbing into her skin – and made worse by the sweltering conditions and her heavy, overloaded cart.

Our vets cleaned the wound thoroughly with an antiseptic solution, then applied a soothing ointment. Next, they administered medication to help relieve any pain. Finally, they started Laloiya on a course of antibiotics to treat the infection in her wound.

Kamlesh was advised by our vets to rest Laloiya for one week. He was also shown how to clean her wound, administer her medication and add padding to his donkey’s harnessing to prevent further wounds or discomfort.

A SPANA vet treats a brick kiln donkey at a mobile clinic in india

Kamlesh said to our vets: ‘Thank you, SPANA. I don’t know what I’d do without Laloiya.’

Working in India’s brick kilns is one of the toughest jobs on Earth. Your continued support enables our mobile clinic to make regular visits to many sites so that hardworking donkeys like Laloiya can access professional veterinary care and their owners can receive essential training in animal welfare. With your help, we’re transforming the lives of working donkeys in India – thank you so much for caring for working animals.

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