A skinny and starving dog in Malawi receives veterinary treatment from SPANA vets partnering with the LSPCA.
Hyena was severely malnourished when he received veterinary treatment from a SPANA vet.

Hyena’s road to recovery

Hyena was extremely weak and dehydrated when SPANA found him.

When Hyena arrived at the vet centre, he was dangerously dehydrated and malnourished. The team wasted no time in administering intravenous fluids to rehydrate him. He was then given deworming treatment to free him of the parasites which were contributing to his severe malnutrition. After this initial treatment, Hyena was hospitalised for a month of monitoring, nutritious food and ongoing care.

Hyena weighed just 19kg when admitted to the centre. With proper food and care, he was discharged weighing a much healthier 27kg.

The vet team advised Hyena’s owner on the importance of a proper diet and explained what this should consist of. They encouraged him to provide deworming medication regularly to treat any parasites. His owner was also told about the importance of comfortable bedding to prevent painful sores.

Thanks to SPANA’s intervention, Hyena is expected to make a full recovery. But not all working dogs are as lucky.

Please donate today to help save other working dogs like Hyena who are suffering. Thank you.

A sad-looking dog next to a tree.

Your donation could help:

  • Provide sick and injured working dogs with vital veterinary care.
  • Provide comfortable shelter for working dogs and educate owners and handlers on proper design.
  • Provide enrichment to working dogs, including exercise, training and play time.
  • Teach owners and handlers about good dog welfare.
  • Provide starving dogs with nutritious feed and clean drinking water.
  • Partner with the local government and police to confiscate dogs who are ill-treated.
  • Vaccinate and deworm dogs to protect against diseases and parasites.
  • Fund shelter inspections and annual re-inspections to ensure welfare standards are being met.
  • Provide a government-accredited seal of approval for companies that demonstrate good animal welfare practices, promoting long-term change in behaviour and attitude.

Working dogs are suffering and they need your help. Will you please donate today to help them live a healthy and valued life? Thank you.

A working security dog patrols a car park with a guard in Malawi.

Thank you

Your generous donations will be used for projects such as those featured in this appeal and where they are required the most to help animals in need. We would be so grateful for whatever you can give to this vital working dogs appeal. Thank you.

To speak to our friendly supporter care team please visit our contact us page and get in touch.