Two Mauritanian donkeys

Latest Updates

Children in classroom

Teaching empathy by touring Tunisia

Read about our education bus in Tunisia.

Boy touching grey foal

Rescuing an orphaned foal

SPANA Jordan Country Director Dr Ghazi welcomed an unexpected new addition – a newborn donkey foal.

Woman treating a white horse

Relieving Caleb’s pain

Read how SPANA vets helped make Caleb the horse's work more bearable with treatment and the right equipment.

Man crouched down next to donkey

Remembering Linda – Leaving a legacy

Read about Linda's gift and her legacy that is making a difference to the lives of working animals.

White thin horse in stable

Helping animals through better nutrition

Find out about SPANA's work with Bullo the horse at our centre in Ethiopia.

Horse is being bandaged in stable

Getting a filly feeling better

A young horse called Sawda visited our veterinary centre in Morocco with some painful neck swellings.

Tunisia camel

Caring for camels in India

We have funded a mobile clinic to provide free treatment for working camels in Rajasthan, India.

Two boys smiling with SPANA workbooks

Stopping animal suffering through education

Our education programme is key to stopping working animals suffering from harm.

Donkey and owners

Improving donkey care in Kenya

Read about our efforts to improve donkey care in Kenya by funding Vetworks.

Group of people with donkeys outside

Donkey nutrition – making Samba stronger

Read about the advice SPANA gave Samba's owner on donkey nutrition to ensure he became stronger.

Donkey with man

Helping Momo – an overloaded donkey

Cart donkeys work under immense physical strain when pulling heavy carts. Read how we helped Momo, an overloaded donkey in Tunisia with painful leg wounds.

Big Knit banner

Big Knit: Bulo’s tale and our horse knitting pattern

Download our horse knitting pattern to help working animals who need treatment.

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