Hagos the horse’s weeping eyes

Find out how SPANA’s veterinary team in central Ethiopia successfully treated a horse who was suffering from irritated eyes.

A working horse with weeping eyes waits for treatment at a SPANA mobile clinice in Ethiopia

Hagos the horse was brought to SPANA’s mobile clinic in Debre Berhan, Ethiopia, by his concerned owner, Feleke. Hagos is a faithful companion to Feleke’s elderly father, Mr Bekurat. Without Hagos’ help, Mr Bekurat would be unable to attend church or visit his friends and family.

Feleke and his father had become concerned for Hagos’ health when they noticed that his eyes were sore and weeping. That’s why Feleke took Hagos to SPANA’s mobile clinic in Debre Berhan as soon as it made its regular visit to their local area.

A working horse with weeping eyes in checked by a vet at a SPANA mobile clinic in Ethiopia

SPANA’s veterinary team examined the seven-year-old horse carefully. They saw that both of his eyes were weeping, red and inflamed, but, thankfully, there were no ulcers. They cleaned Hagos’ eyes thoroughly and started him on a treatment of topical antibiotic eye ointment.

Next, our vets showed Feleke how to clean Hagos’ eyes and apply the ointment – something he would need to do daily for the next seven days.

A working horse in Ethiopia receives eye ointment at a SPANA mobile clinic

Feleke was grateful to the vets for their help. He said: ‘My father loves Hagos very much. He is elderly and can’t walk long distances. He goes to church and to other social gatherings with his horse. He was very scared when Hagos got bad eyes, but now, thanks to SPANA, my father will rejoice that his horse will get better.’

Every year, our vets successfully treat thousands of working animals, like Hagos, who are suffering from painful and debilitating eye problems. Their care is only possible due to the continued kindness of our supporters. With your ongoing support, we’re able to provide sight-saving treatment to working animals. Thank you so much for caring for working animals.

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