Molla the donkey’s leg wound

Molla the donkey had a serious leg wound that needed expert treatment from SPANA vets in Ethiopia.

Grey donkey standing around with its front right foot up with a visible cut

Molla the donkey helps his owners, Abera and Derartu, by fetching water and transporting grain in Angori, northern Ethiopia. By doing so, he enables them to put food on the table. But Molla had started struggling to carry out these tasks due to a debilitating injury.

Abera and Derartu had noticed Molla had become lame from an infected wound on his left front leg. He was unable to put any weight on the leg and was clearly experiencing discomfort. Abera and Derartu were told by a neighbour that the SPANA mobile clinic was visiting Angori to provide free veterinary treatment to sick and injured working animals. So, they took Molla along as soon as the mobile clinic arrived.

SPANA vet examining a donkey's foot with a women helping hold the donkey's leg

At the clinic, SPANA vets carefully investigated the wound and discovered that a foreign body was lodged inside. Molla was sedated and the wound was cleaned, which revealed that the object was a piece of plastic rope. Our vets gave Molla a local anesthetic, carefully removed the rope and then thoroughly cleaned and dressed the wound. The team showed Abera and Derartu how to clean Molla’s wound daily with a saline solution and asked them to bring Molla back for a check up the next time the mobile clinic was visiting the area.

When the mobile clinic returned to Angori later that month, the vets were delighted by Molla’s recovery. The wound had healed completely, with just a small, superficial scar on his leg.

A donkey's front two feet with a wound on one of the feet.

Derartu was so pleased that Molla was better. She said: ‘Thank you very much for helping my donkey. We are very happy now that our donkey is not lame.’

SPANA’s mobile clinics travel to remote and rural areas to treat thousands of working animals every year. With your support, our mobile clinics are making it possible for animals like Molla to live a life free from pain and suffering. Thank you for your continuing kindness towards working animals.

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