Parasites are a problem for Lana the horse 

Lana the horse was seriously under the weather. Find out how SPANA vets in Tunisia helped her on the road to recovery.

a brown horse grazing in a field

Lana the horse helps her owner, Karim, earn a small living by carrying out agricultural tasks in the farming town of Siliana, in northern Tunisia. Together, they transport crops from the fields to the nearby market.

Karim had become increasingly worried about Lana when he noticed that his 13-year-old mare seemed lacklustre and was starting to lose weight. When Lana then developed a cough, Karim took her straight to see SPANA’s vets in Siliana for help.

a SPANA veterinary examining a brown horse with another man holding the horse from its harness

At the centre, SPANA vets examined Lana carefully. They found that, as well as a cough, Lana was suffering from congestion and nasal discharge. Further tests revealed that Lana had internal parasites. These parasites live in the gut of animals and take vital nutrition and energy from them. If internal parasites are left untreated, they can cause devastating illnesses and complications. Our vets explained to Karim that, because the parasites were sapping Lana of her strength and energy, she had become more susceptible to other illnesses, so had developed a respiratory infection.

Lana was administered an anti-parasitic medication to tackle the internal parasites. She was then started on a course of antibiotics, anti-inflammatories and vitamins for her respiratory infection. The team showed Karim how to give Lana her medication so that he could continue her treatment at home. They also advised him to rest her in a clean and well-ventilated stall until she had recovered fully.

A horse in a stall being held by a man holding its red reins.

Karim was delighted that SPANA vets were able to help Lana. He said: ‘My horse is very important to me. Thank you, SPANA, for helping her today.’

Parasites – whether internal or external – can cause unimaginable torment for working animals. Although at low levels some parasites can be relatively harmless, left unchecked, parasites can cause all kinds of problems for working animals, from malnutrition to abandonment, and can even be fatal in the worst cases. Your continued support can enable SPANA vets to provide vital treatment to thousands of animals in need and prevent the suffering caused by parasites. Thank you for your compassion for working animals.

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