Sbema the donkey’s excruciating eye infection

When Sbema the donkey was suffering from a painful eye infection, SPANA’s veterinary team in Zimbabwe provided the vital treatment she needed.

A donkey called Sbema who was treated for an eye infection by SPANA vets in Zimbabwe

Sbema the donkey works alongside her owner, Joseph. Together, they plough fields and transport goods around their local area so that Joseph can support his family.

Joseph and Sbema made the 2km journey to SPANA’s regular mobile clinic site in the rural village of Nkunzi, in Zimbabwe’s Tsholotsho district, when Joseph noticed that his 12-year-old donkey was unable to open her right eye properly. In recent days, her eye had become increasingly swollen with a lot of watery discharge.

Sbema the donkey from Zimbabwe was treated by SPANA vets for an eye infection

SPANA’s veterinary team travelled eight hours from Zimbabwe’s capital city, Harare, to set up the mobile clinic in Nkunzi. When Sbema was seen by our vets, they inspected her eyes carefully. Luckily, Sbema’s vision was unaffected, but her right eye was clearly causing her pain. They performed a thorough examination – which included checking that the eye was free from any foreign material – then cleaned the eye gently with water. Our vets diagnosed an eye infection and administered Sbema with a topical antibiotic eye ointment.

The vets showed Joseph how to apply the eye ointment correctly and gave him a supply of the medication so that he could continue Sbema’s treatment at home. They also advised him to ensure that Sbema had plenty of rest while she was recovering.

A donkey and her owner wait for treatment at a SPANA mobile clinic in Zimbabwe

Joseph couldn’t thank our vets enough for their help. He added: ‘It is very helpful to have SPANA here. Without SPANA, there are no other treatments for donkeys.’

In 2023, our vets treated thousands of working animals, like Sbema, who were suffering from eye problems. Their care was only possible due to the continued kindness of our supporters. With your ongoing support, we’re able to provide sight-saving treatment to working animals. We can also ensure our mobile clinics are stocked with the essential medication needed to help animals with painful eye conditions. Thank you so much for caring for working animals.

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