SPANA helps Sultan the horse get back on his feet

Find out how SPANA provided emergency treatment to Sultan the horse when he was involved in a road accident in India.

A horse from India who was treated by SPANA vets in India following a road accident

Sultan is well-known in his community. The beautiful six-year-old horse plays a key role in marriage ceremonies and other social festivities in Padampur, a town in the eastern state of Odisha, in India. This important work enables Sultan’s owner, Hafiz, to earn a small living so that he can support his wife and son.

Sadly, one day, when Sultan was taking part in a marriage ceremony, he was startled by a loud noise. Before Hafiz could react, Sultan bolted and ran straight into the path of an oncoming car. Sultan suffered three serious wounds to his left hind leg. It was clear that he needed emergency veterinary treatment. Hafiz contacted SPANA and our mobile veterinary clinic made its way straight to the injured horse.

A SPANA vet from India treats a horse who was injured in a road accident

When the mobile clinic arrived at Sultan’s home, our vets sedated the horse so that they could carry out a full examination and treat his wounds without him feeling distressed. Luckily, although Sultan’s wounds needed immediate attention, they weren’t life-threatening, and he hadn’t broken any bones. The vets cleaned each wound with water and diluted disinfectant to prevent infection and to encourage healing. They also administered pain medication to make Sultan more comfortable during his successful treatment.

The vets subsequently showed Hafiz how to keep Sultan’s wounds clean and provided him with a course of painkillers so that he could administer them to Sultan each day. Throughout the recovery process, our vets visited Sultan regularly to check on his progress and continue his treatment. Sultan went on to make a full recovery.

Hafiz said: ‘Sultan is extremely important for my livelihood. I also rely on him for transportation. Without Sultan, I would not be able to access remote areas, or work.’

SPANA teams meet many working animals who have been the victim of road accidents

SPANA teams meet many working animals like Sultan who have been the victim of road accidents. Often seriously injured and in need of emergency care, they would face a bleak future without help from SPANA. But thanks to the continued generosity of our supporters, we’re able to provide the treatment and medication that working animals urgently need. Thank you.

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