Two Mauritanian donkeys

animal welfare

International Working Animal Day education resources

Lessons from our education team that you can use with you students on IWAD 2020

Morocco donkey eating

Meet one of our vet volunteers

Read about our emergency project building and repairing wells to help animals suffering a devastating drought known as the 'dzud'.

How animal welfare clubs in India are changing children’s attitudes

Suman Das, 15, a student at Samanta Singhar Kelucharan Government High School in India, tells us how humane education has changed his view on animals.

Protecting animals from extreme climates in Mongolia

Read about our emergency project building and repairing wells to help animals suffering a devastating drought known as the 'dzud'.

A day in the life of an animal welfare educator: Diana

Diana works for SPANA’s local partner charity in Tanzania, the Arusha Society for the Protection of Animals (ASPA),  where she delivers humane welfare classes to...

Vet treatment

A day in the life: Aida

Aida is a vet for the Tanzania Welfare Society (TAWESO) - a SPANA outreach charity in the Mtera region of Tanzania.