vets in namibia
vets in namibia

Helping working animals in Namibia

Working animals support the livelihoods of many families in rural Namibia by transporting people and goods, and helping with agricultural tasks. That’s why we’re providing practical training to veterinary professionals in the country.

Horses in Namibia lining up between two wooden fences

Namibia at a glance

  • Population: 2.567 million 
  • Area: 824,292 square km 
  • Location: Southern Africa 
  • Capital city: Windhoek 
  • Estimated number of working animals: 254,931
  • Number of clinical skills centres: One 
  • Number of working animals treated in 2023: 401 
  • Number of animal owners trained in 2023: 172
  • Number of children receiving animal welfare education in 2023: 280

Our work in Namibia

SPANA is providing practical training to veterinary professionals. Our well-equipped clinical skills centre, based at the University of Namibia, is a compulsory part of training and study for university trainee vets. Students are able to use life-sized models and resident horses for practical sessions and day-to-day husbandry management.

Other countries we work in

Three donkey's pulling a cart along sand with a woman wearing a green dress watching them

Helping working animals in Zimbabwe

Find out more about how SPANA helps working animals in Zimbabwe.

Two working donkeys in South Africa

Helping working animals in South Africa

Read about how SPANA is helping working animals in South Africa.

Three donkey's pulling a cart along sand with a woman wearing a green dress watching them

Helping working animals in Zimbabwe

Find out more about how SPANA helps working animals in Zimbabwe.

Two working donkeys in South Africa

Helping working animals in South Africa

Read about how SPANA is helping working animals in South Africa.