Young boy standing holding a donkey
Young boy standing holding a donkey

Ways to donate

Mules on the road

Find out how to donate and help working animals in need

Every animal we care for, every owner we train, every life we save… every single action we take to make the world a better place for working animals depends on donations from caring people like you. There are many different ways to donate to SPANA and help animals in desperate need.

If you have any trouble donating, or would like to get in touch regarding your donation, please contact us at or 020 7831 3999. Thank you very much for your support.

See how you can donate

Make a donation

Make a single donation or pledge a monthly gift and help improve the lives of working animals around the world.

Donkeys in Tanzania forest

Leave a kinder future for working animals with a gift in your Will

Discover how leaving a legacy to SPANA will help working animals.

Sponsor a stable

Our stables are a lifeline for thousands of donkeys, horses and mules. Sponsor a stable and provide a haven for sick and injured working animals.

Horse standing next to woman sitting

Philanthropy and major gifts

Discover how a major gift can help promote the wellbeing and welfare of working animals in need.

Cute donkey foal working animal in Mauritania

Shop And Sell For SPANA

Did you know donating to SPANA doesn't have to cost you a penny?! When you buy from selected retailers, they’ll make a donation to SPANA.

Working donkey carrying cart on road

Recycle For SPANA

Having a clear out at home? Why not help working animals at the same time by recycling your unwanted items to raise vital funds!  

Two donkeys hugging

Payroll Giving

Support the work of SPANA with a tax-free gift from your salary.

A working camel looks content as it sits next to its smiling owner in India.

Donate in memory

Give a gift in memory of a special person or pet. You can include your beloved pet on our online pet memorial wall.

Corporate partnerships

Becoming a corporate partner allows your company to make a difference to the lives of working animals abroad.

Two elephants standing next to each other

Donate by text

Help working animals in need by donating just £3 a month by text.

Make a donation

Make a single donation or pledge a monthly gift and help improve the lives of working animals around the world.

Donkeys in Tanzania forest

Leave a kinder future for working animals with a gift in your Will

Discover how leaving a legacy to SPANA will help working animals.

Sponsor a stable

Our stables are a lifeline for thousands of donkeys, horses and mules. Sponsor a stable and provide a haven for sick and injured working animals.

Horse standing next to woman sitting

Philanthropy and major gifts

Discover how a major gift can help promote the wellbeing and welfare of working animals in need.

Cute donkey foal working animal in Mauritania

Shop And Sell For SPANA

Did you know donating to SPANA doesn't have to cost you a penny?! When you buy from selected retailers, they’ll make a donation to SPANA.

Working donkey carrying cart on road

Recycle For SPANA

Having a clear out at home? Why not help working animals at the same time by recycling your unwanted items to raise vital funds!  

Two donkeys hugging

Payroll Giving

Support the work of SPANA with a tax-free gift from your salary.

A working camel looks content as it sits next to its smiling owner in India.

Donate in memory

Give a gift in memory of a special person or pet. You can include your beloved pet on our online pet memorial wall.

Corporate partnerships

Becoming a corporate partner allows your company to make a difference to the lives of working animals abroad.

Two elephants standing next to each other

Donate by text

Help working animals in need by donating just £3 a month by text.

Looking for more ways to get involved?

There are many things you can do help SPANA protect working animals all around the world. We’ve collected a few ideas here to get you started.

Discover other ways to get involved