Hiba the donkey was losing weight and refusing to eat or drink. A lifeline for her arthritic owner Hussein, time was short. Read how SPANA...
In the small town of Sheno, Ethiopia, local farrier David Debelle works tirelessly to provide working horses with a better quality of life.
Newly-qualified vet Harriet treated Harry the horse’s mysterious wounds while volunteering with our team in Morocco.
When Lucky the camel developed an itch, his owner Satee suspected mange. Unsure how to help his camel’s growing discomfort, Satee turned to SPANA for...
Zakaria works grueling hours on the hot, dangerous rubbish dumps of Bamako. Read how we treated this tired donkey for wounds caused by his harnessing
When Neela the donkey had a nasty tail sore, her owner was worried about infection and unsure how best to help. Read how SPANA helped...
SPANA Jordan Country Director Dr Ghazi welcomed an unexpected new addition – a newborn donkey foal.
Find out how SPANA’s Australian donors are providing a lifeline to working camels in India.
Read about the advice SPANA gave Samba's owner on donkey nutrition to ensure he became stronger.
Find out about SPANA's work with Bullo the horse at our centre in Ethiopia.
We found a solution for improving the health & wellbeing of donkeys in Botswana.