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Treat: Free veterinary care
Train: Animal welfare training
Teach: Animal welfare education
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Treat: Free veterinary care
Train: Animal welfare training
Teach: Animal welfare education
Emergency intervention
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Working animals and the Sustainable Development Goals
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A history of SPANA: 100 years of working animal welfare
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Veterinary professionals
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Our Story - A History of Spana
Train: Animal welfare training
Treat: Free Veterinary Care
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Stopping the donkey skin trade
Stopping the donkey skin trade
Teach: animal welfare education
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The Land Girls
Train: Animal welfare training
Transforming the lives of working animals - SPANA Strategy 2023-27
Working Animals
Working Animal Health
Working Animal Welfare
Working Camel Care
Camel Fact File
Working Donkey Care
Brick Kiln Donkeys
Donkey Fact File
Working Horse Care
Horse Fact File
Working Mule Care
Mule Fact File
Working Ox Care
Ox Fact File
Working animals and the Sustainable Development Goals
Working Animals, Then and Now
World Animal Day 2019
World Animal Day 2020
World Animal Day 2021
World Animal Day 2022
World Animal Day 2024
World Donkey Day
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Alice Burch breaks world marathon record!
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Download your World Tea Party materials
Ethical Animal Tourism
Get your Lucky Horseshoe charity raffle tickets
International Day of Charity
International Working Animal Day 2017
International Working Animal Day 2018
International Working Animal Day 2019
International Working Animal Day 2020
International Working Animal Day 2021
International Working Animal Day 2022
International Working Animal Day 2023
International Working Animal Day 2024
International Working Animal Day with Spana
Knitting and crocheting for working animals
Leave a kinder future for working animals
More animal charity fundraising ideas
Pet Memorial Wall
Pet Memorial Wall – Thank You
Philanthropy and major gifts
SPANA on your screen
Sponsor a stable
Sponsor a stable
Sponsor a stable
Sponsor a stable
Sponsor a stable
Sponsor a stable
Sponsor a stable
Stop pain with noseband and chest strap covers
Stories from the stables
Success stories
Ways to donate
World Animal Day
World Animal Day 2017
World Animal Day 2018
Write Your Will For Free
Success stories
A blessing in Botswana
A camel soldiers on
A camel’s eye trauma
A caring new owner for Latifa
A close call for Nobel
A close call for Syam
A complicated pregnancy in rural Morocco
A family check-up
A lifesaving stay at the SPANA stables
A limping donkey gets a helping hand
A little survivor beats the odds
A nasty camel bite for Wissem
A newborn foal’s swollen leg
A stitch in time for Zouhara’s chest wound
A true survivor – working donkeys
A young foal faces a leopard attack
Abraham’s excruciating brush with EZL
Ahmina’s eye infection
Aldebaran the horse’s respiratory illness
Alleviating Ayoub’s suffering
Amadi’s brush with an angry horse
An ear-itating injury
Arjun’s medical reboot
Armin’s respiratory distress
Ayya’s mysterious weight loss
Aziz’s visit to the dentist
Beji the mule’s itchy eyes
Bezina is saved from a death sentence
Bitoo’s life-threatening infection
Bono the mule’s visit to the SPANA dentist
Bora the horse’s irritated eyes
Brave Saïda protects her newborn foal
Campaigning against animal cruelty in Sierra Leone
Chaimae the abandoned mule
Climate crisis makes life tougher than ever for Naisiae the donkey
Climate crisis: How SPANA vets helped flood victims Jiyan and Karwan
Climate crisis: How SPANA vets helped flood victims Jiyan and Karwan
Conjunctivitis threatens a pony’s eyesight
Covid-19 threatens Farook’s survival
Curing colic in donkeys – Maggie’s colic
Curing colic in horses – Abir’s colic
Demba’s Tetanus Risk
Derese the donkey’s eye treatment
Dhumo the brick kiln donkey’s excruciating back wound
Diarra’s brush with tetanus
Donkey rescue – helping a donkey out of a hole
Educating empathy on the eastern cape, South Africa
Even Superman needs medical assistance
Filly-ing good thanks to Spana
Finding a friend for Masun the abandoned foal
Finding Hope a home
Getting Abou back on his feet
Getting Aoisha back on her feet
Habiba gets a second chance
Healing Aman’s eye at the mobile clinic
Healing Genaro’s summer sores
Healing Hana’s donkey harness wounds
Healing Mary the cart donkey’s wounds
Helmi’s fantasie ordeal
Help arrives for Adama after costly error
Help for an exhausted horse
Help is in sight for Zina the donkey
Helping a bitten working horse
Helping an elephant with an itch
Helping Assimi the donkey harness a healthier life
Helping Negus to breathe easy
Helping working animals in Guatemala
Heroic Arman gets the help he deserves
Honda the donkey’s wounded ear
Horse dehydration – relieving Saber’s discomfort
How SPANA got Triny the carthorse back on the road
How SPANA got Zoro the horse back on the road
How SPANA helped Kristina the donkey get her strength back
How SPANA put the smile back on Damme’s face
How SPANA saved Musa the donkey from a dangerous leg wound
How SPANA vets saved Bulla the donkey from lameness
Iasfar gets the attention she deserves
Improving Dama’s appetite
Inspiring the next generation
Jamil’s life-threatening infection
Jonathan’s corneal ulcer threatens his sight
Kadi gets help just in time
Kadin’s back on the road to recovery
Keera the water donkey’s harness wounds
Klana the donkey receives the comfort she needs
Knuckles the donkey gets a new lease on life
Kofi’s committed owners
Kojo is rescued from the brink of a devastating infection
Learning animal empathy in Mauritania
Learning to love animals in Liberia
Lesedi and Bontle get a new lease on life
Lina the horse’s parasite problem
Lufti brings hope for the future
Mahdouda: lucky by name
Mamo’s lockdown suffering ends
Marid gets a pedicure
Mensi finds a new home
Miruts the horse’s urgent EZL treatment
Mona struggles to walk
Morocco earthquake – one year on: Treating Soufiane the wounded donkey
Moum the donkey gets a SPANA check-up
Nadia the mule’s new shoes
Naka’s excruciating bite wound
Nayef the foal’s road to recovery
Necho’s nasty wound
Nene’s injury threatens a village’s survival
Neru’s mystery limp
Nursing Nizar back to health
One treatment saves two lives in India
Oxmo the donkey’s near fatal run-in with plastic
Providing relief for a constipated donkey
Putting Papis on the road to recovery
Rafiq’s remarkable recovery
Regina lends a helping hand to animals in Tanzania
Replacing Raif’s old donkey bit
Rescuing Ramil: how SPANA treated Ramil the camel for painful scabies
Rescuing Rehana from a sad fate
Saber is healed in the blink of an eye
Sarie’s close call
Saving animals in India’s deadly cyclone
Saving Emily’s life
Saving Salha the mule foal
Shock discovery following snowstorm donkey rescue
Showing love to Ghana’s animals
Sight saver: how SPANA vets treated Med the horse’s painful eye condition
Soothing Anisah’s burns
Soraya the mule’s well-earned retirement
SPANA helps donkey trapped for seven days
Spana hits the nail on the head
SPANA humane education saves Wisky the dog
SPANA is a sight for Ziad’s sore eyes
SPANA puts the spring back in DJ’s step
SPANA soothes a sore camel
SPANA soothes Melik’s wounds
SPANA vets break a cycle of suffering for Seydou
Spana vets help young Jamil stand again
Spana vets treat Leyla the unlucky donkey
Spana’s Caléche horse programme wins award
Supporting animals in the wake of cyclone Fani
Supporting working donkey champions
Taking pride in Costa Rica’s horses
Together for donkey’s years
Treating a painful donkey bite
Treating a weak camel in Rajasthan
Treating a young camel in Tunisia
Treating Mabrok’s colic
Treating Modibo’s painful back wounds
Treating Sikoloman the donkey in Bamako
Treating Wassima the donkey
Tsegaye becomes a champion for donkey welfare
Urgent care for Zenebe the horse’s eye condition
Wahbi’s relief from a persistent itch
Warda the foal learns to walk
Working elephants – getting off on the right foot
Yasmina’s ballerina toes
Yasmine’s colic emergency
Zine the donkey’s vital care at the SPANA stables
“Fetch the anaesthetist!”: Practical surgery sessions in Morocco
10 Benefits of Shopping Local
10 charity fundraising ideas for work
12 cutest animals of 2015
13 charity fundraising ideas for people who love food
13 fun facts about camels
5 reasons why you should give knitting a go
A better tomorrow for working animals
A child’s dream of becoming a vet
A day in the life of an animal welfare educator: Diana
A Day in the Life of SPANA Vet Ai
A Day in the Life of SPANA Vet Intern Sayma
A day in the life: Victoria
A fond farewell to the Spana supporter’s Zimbabwe tour
A guide to bridles
A Guide to the Parts of a Harness
A lifeline for working camels in India
A popular destination for Jordan’s children
A summer volunteering for Spana
A trip to Mali
A twist of fate for horse and vet
A vet’s first impressions of Ethiopia
A week volunteering in Chemaia
A year to remember: 2019 finances
An average day in Chemaia
An update from Ethiopia: Our emergency feeding programme
An update from Myanmar’s working elephants camps
Ann Widdecombe visits Mauritania with Spana
Arifa’s limp threatens her future
Being a veterinary volunteer in Marrakech
Best Vegetarian Sweets for Christmas
Big Knit: Bulo’s tale and our horse knitting pattern
Big Knit: Hani’s tale and our donkey knitting pattern
Big Knit: Keeping oxen fit and healthy
Big Knit: Wadh’s tale and our camel knitting pattern
Bringing you an update from Jordan
Caring for camels in India
Celebrating the women of Spana
Change is happening in Mauritania
Comfortable harnesses can make all the difference
Community training in Ethiopia
Concentrating on the tusk in hand
COVID-19 update
Day in the life: Dr Hanna Zewdu, Ethiopia Project Leader
Did you realise how important animals are in Mongolia?
Donkey nutrition – making Samba stronger
Education and training for the next generation of teachers
Education update: Kebeh’s compassion towards animals
El Medina’s hard fall
Elaine Fairfax’s Guest Blog: Animal friends pet insurance
Elephant facts and FAQs
Elephant Pregnancy Facts
Equine charities promote welfare for working equids
Exchanging Zrika’s painful donkey harness
Fighting the donkey skin trade
Food, glorious food: The impact of drought on working animals
Forever Ye’ Aung
Fundraising ideas for the International Day of Charity
Getting a filly feeling better
Gita weathers a dangerous storm
Give in celebration to Spana
Help at last for Costa Rica’s hardworking horses
Help working animals while you shop
Helping animals through better nutrition
Helping Imed’s hooves at our mobile clinic
Helping Momo – an overloaded donkey
Helping Working Animals at the Chemaia Clinic
Hiba’s mysterious weight loss
How animal welfare clubs in India are changing children’s attitudes
How Leaving a Bequest to Charity Could Make a Lasting Difference
How to Look After Donkeys – The Basics
How to Look After Horses: The Basics
Improving donkey care in Kenya
International Working Animal Day education resources
Jeremy reflects on the impact of education
Keeping a careful eye on Dafijeh
Learning and veterinary care in Mauritania
Lucky’s unlucky itch
Mali mobile clinic receives funding
Meet legacy supporter Anne Paul
Meet one of our vet volunteers
Meet Val Pierce
Mitul’s loss of appetite
My experiences on the first day volunteering in Chemaia
My mother would have been overjoyed!
New equipment that’s saving lives
One Health
Paul O’Grady supports Spana’s International Working Animal Day
People in the UK are unaware of the dangers that donkeys are facing
Protecting animals from extreme climates in Mongolia
Protecting working animals
Providing a lifeline for thirsty working animals
Relieving Caleb’s pain
Remembering Linda – Leaving a legacy
Rescuing an orphaned foal
Rescuing Botswana’s stray donkeys
Rethinking Animal Welfare: A Conversation with Dr Brian Perry
Rubbish dump donkeys
Sami’s car collision catastrophe
Sarie bounces back
Saving Goloo’s sight
Sheno’s horses get new shoes
SPANA Announced as Charity Of The Year By KBIS British Equestrian Insurance
Spana CEO speaks out about the donkey skin trade
SPANA Morocco Earthquake Emergency Response – Week 1 update
SPANA Responds To Morocco Earthquake Disaster
Spana vets celebrated
SPANA welcomes historic ban on deadly donkey skin trade
SPANA welcomes progress on donkey skin trade ban
Spana’s cutest animal of the year
Spana’s world tea party: Tea and coffee around the world.
Sponsor Just One Horse? You Could Sponsor a Whole Stable
Stopping animal suffering through education
Support SPANA this June by voting for us in the My Favourite Voucher Codes Charity Poll
Tackling malnutrition with training
Teaching empathy by touring Tunisia
The Best Christmas Jokes Of All Time
The donkey of destiny
The Most Common Parasites in Animals
The power of prevention in Tunisia
The tail of an injured donkey
Training Skills to Local Farriers in Ethiopia
Treating animals involved in road traffic accidents
Treating Harry The Horse’s Mysterious Wounds
Treating Tale’s bite wound
Vets treat Fanta’s nasty head wound
Virtual Fundraising Ideas
Volunteering with SPANA: Back to Marrakech
What are working donkeys?
What are working donkeys?
What are working horses?
What do donkeys eat?
What do horses eat?
What is a mule? 13 things you didn’t know
What is a Parasite?
What is fistulous withers?
What is Tetanus?
Working donkey champions: role models in South Africa
Working in war zones – animals in conflict
World Animal Day
World Animal Day assembly ideas
Zakaria bears a heavy load
Our work
Helping working animals in Cameroon
Helping working animals in Ethiopia
Helping working animals in Ghana
Helping working animals in Guinea
Helping Working Animals in India
Helping working animals in Iraq
Helping working animals in Jordan
Helping working animals in Mali
Helping working animals in Mauritania
Helping working animals in Morocco
Helping working animals in Mozambique
Helping working animals in Namibia
Helping working animals in South Africa
Helping working animals in Tanzania
Helping working animals in Tunisia
Helping working animals in Uganda
Helping working animals in Zambia
Helping working animals in Zimbabwe
A simple jab can save a working animal from deadly tetanus
A world in crisis: Help transform the lives of working animals for generations to come
A world in crisis: Help transform the lives of working animals for generations to come
A world in crisis: Help transform the lives of working animals for generations to come
A world in crisis: Help transform the lives of working animals for generations to come
Act now to save the lives of working animals with serious injuries
Animals are working in the world’s worst workplaces. Will you please help them?
Arthritis appeal: He can barely move, let alone work
At this difficult time, help us reach more working animals
At this difficult time, help us reach more working animals
At this difficult time, help us reach more working animals
At this difficult time, help us reach more working animals
At this difficult time, help us reach more working animals
At this difficult time, help us reach more working animals
At this difficult time, help us reach more working animals
At this difficult time, help us reach more working animals
At this difficult time, help us reach more working animals
At this difficult time, help us reach more working animals
At this difficult time, help us reach more working animals
At this difficult time, help us reach more working animals
At this difficult time, help us reach more working animals
At this difficult time, help us reach more working animals
At this difficult time, help us reach more working animals
At this difficult time, help us reach more working animals
At this difficult time, help us reach more working animals
At this difficult time, help us reach more working animals
At this difficult time, help us reach more working animals
At this difficult time, help us reach more working animals
At this difficult time, help us reach more working animals
At this difficult time, help us reach more working animals
At this difficult time, help us reach more working animals
At this difficult time, help us reach more working animals
At this difficult time, help us reach more working animals
At this difficult time, help us reach more working animals
At this difficult time, help us reach more working animals
At this difficult time, help us reach more working animals
At this difficult time, help us reach more working animals
At this difficult time, help us reach more working animals
At this difficult time, help us reach more working animals
At this difficult time, help us reach more working animals
At this difficult time, help us reach more working animals
At this difficult time, help us reach more working animals
At this difficult time, help us reach more working animals
At this difficult time, help us reach more working animals
At this difficult time, help us reach more working animals
At this difficult time, help us reach more working animals
At this difficult time, help us reach more working animals
At this difficult time, help us reach more working animals
At this difficult time, help us reach more working animals
At this difficult time, help us reach more working animals
At this difficult time, help us reach more working animals
Brick Kilns: Heavy Loads. Horrific Heat. Little Hope.
Brick Kilns: Heavy Loads. Horrific Heat. Little Hope.
Brick Kilns: Heavy Loads. Horrific Heat. Little Hope.
Brick Kilns: Heavy Loads. Horrific Heat. Little Hope.
Brick Kilns: Heavy Loads. Horrific Heat. Little Hope.
Brick Kilns: Heavy Loads. Horrific Heat. Little Hope.
Brick Kilns: Heavy Loads. Horrific Heat. Little Hope.
Brick Kilns: Save Working Animals From Pain, Disease and Despair
Brick Kilns: Save Working Animals From Pain, Disease and Despair
Brick Kilns: Save Working Animals From Pain, Disease and Despair
Climate crisis: Help working animals during times of emergency
Don’t let plastic be a working animal’s last meal. You can help save them.
Don’t let plastic be a working animal’s last meal. You can help save them.
Don’t let plastic be a working animal’s last meal. You can help save them.
Don’t let plastic be a working animal’s last meal. You can help save them.
Don’t let plastic be a working animal’s last meal. You can help save them.
Don’t let plastic be a working animal’s last meal. You can help save them.
Don’t let plastic be a working animal’s last meal. You can help save them.
Don’t let plastic be a working animal’s last meal. You can help save them.
Donate in memory of a loved one
Donate in memory of a pet
Donate to help working animals on Giving Tuesday
Donkey skin trade: Help save donkeys from being slaughtered for herbal remedies and beauty products
Emergency appeal: Save working animals from devastating drought in East Africa
Emergency appeal: Save working animals from devastating earthquake in Morocco
Emergency appeal: Save working animals from devastating earthquake in Morocco
Give working animals in Zimbabwe a place to heal
Give working animals in Zimbabwe a place to heal
Give working animals in Zimbabwe a place to heal
Give working animals in Zimbabwe a place to heal
Help an animal in desperate need
Help an animal in desperate need
Help an animal in desperate need
Help an animal in desperate need
Help an animal in desperate need
Help an animal in desperate need
Help build a new veterinary centre in Segou, Mali
Help build a new veterinary centre in Segou, Mali
Help build a new veterinary centre in Segou, Mali
Help Mali’s rubbish dump donkeys
Help Mali’s rubbish dump donkeys
Help Mali’s rubbish dump donkeys
Help Mali’s rubbish dump donkeys
Help Mali’s rubbish dump donkeys
Help Mali’s rubbish dump donkeys
Help Mali’s rubbish dump donkeys
Help Mali’s rubbish dump donkeys
Help Mali’s rubbish dump donkeys
Help Mali’s rubbish dump donkeys
Help Mali’s rubbish dump donkeys
Help Mali’s rubbish dump donkeys
Help Mali’s rubbish dump donkeys
Help Mali’s rubbish dump donkeys
Help save animals from the agony of lameness
Help save animals from the agony of lameness
Help save animals from the agony of lameness
Help save animals from the agony of lameness
Help save animals from the agony of lameness
Help save animals from the agony of lameness
Help save working animals from devastating sight loss
Help save working animals from devastating sight loss
Help save working animals from devastating sight loss
Help stop poor harnessing from hurting working animals
Help stop poor harnessing from hurting working animals
Help stop poor harnessing from hurting working animals
Help treat working animals suffering from parasites
Help treat working animals suffering from parasites
Help treat working animals suffering from parasites
Help us reach more working animals in desperate need
Help us reach more working animals in desperate need
Help us reach more working animals in desperate need
Help us reach more working animals in desperate need
Help us reach more working animals in desperate need
Help us reach more working animals in desperate need
Help us reach more working animals in desperate need
Help us reach more working animals in desperate need
Help us reach more working animals in desperate need
Help us reach more working animals in desperate need
Help us save a working animal in agony
Help us save a working animal in agony
Help working animals survive the Covid-19 pandemic
Help working animals survive the Covid-19 pandemic
Help working animals survive the Covid-19 pandemic
Help working animals survive the Covid-19 pandemic
Help working animals survive the Covid-19 pandemic
International Dog Day: Working dogs in Malawi are suffering
International Dog Day: Working dogs in Malawi are suffering
Knitting and crocheting for working animals: Donate to Big Knit for Vets
Make a lasting difference
Malnutrition: Help working animals during this time of crisis
Malnutrition: Help working animals during this time of crisis
Malnutrition: Help working animals during this time of crisis
Mobile clinics: Help working animals who are far from medical care
Mobile clinics: Help working animals who are far from medical care
Mobile clinics: Help working animals who are far from medical care
Mobile clinics: Save working animals living in isolated communities
Mobile clinics: Save working animals living in isolated communities
Mobile clinics: Save working animals living in isolated communities
Mobile clinics: Save working animals living in isolated communities
Morocco earthquake appeal: One year on, working animals still need your help
Morocco earthquake appeal: One year on, working animals still need your help
Morocco earthquake appeal: One year on, working animals still need your help
Morocco earthquake appeal: One year on, working animals still need your help
Morocco earthquake appeal: One year on, working animals still need your help
Morocco earthquake appeal: Working animals still need your help
Please help animals suffering from malnutrition
Please help animals suffering from malnutrition
Please help animals suffering from malnutrition
Please help animals suffering from malnutrition
Please help animals suffering from malnutrition
Please help animals suffering from malnutrition
Please help animals suffering from malnutrition
Please help animals suffering from malnutrition
Please help animals suffering from malnutrition
Please help animals suffering from malnutrition
Please help animals suffering from malnutrition
Please help animals suffering from malnutrition
Please help animals suffering from malnutrition
Please help animals suffering from malnutrition
Please help animals suffering from malnutrition
Please help animals suffering from malnutrition
Please help animals suffering from malnutrition
Please help animals suffering from malnutrition
Please help animals suffering from malnutrition
Please help animals suffering from malnutrition
Please help animals suffering from malnutrition
Please help animals suffering from malnutrition
Please help horses suffering from EZL
Please relieve the suffering of essential working animals
Please relieve the suffering of essential working animals
Please save abandoned working animals
Please save abandoned working animals
Provide emergency treatment for working animals suffering from serious injuries
Provide emergency treatment for working animals suffering from serious injuries
Provide lifesaving surgery to working animals in critical condition
Provide lifesaving surgery to working animals in critical condition
Provide lifesaving surgery to working animals in critical condition
Save working animals from agonising dental disease
Save working animals from agonising dental disease
Save working animals from agonising dental disease
Save working animals from agonising dental disease
Save working animals from deadly diseases with pioneering programmes
Save working animals from deadly parasites
Save working animals from deadly parasites
Save working animals from deadly parasites
Save working animals from deadly parasites
Save working animals from deadly parasites
Save working animals from the agony of parasites
Save working animals from the agony of parasites
Save working animals from the deadly disease, EZL
Save working animals from the deadly disease, EZL
She can barely move, let alone work
She can barely move, let alone work
She can barely move, let alone work
She can barely move, let alone work
Support the Lives of Working Donkeys in Mali
Supporter Survey
Tanzania floods and landslides: Save displaced and injured animals
Tanzania floods: Urgent help for sick and injured donkeys
Tanzania floods: Urgent help for sick and injured donkeys
Tanzania floods: Urgent help for sick and injured donkeys
Thank you for your support this year
Thank you for your support this year
Thank you for your support this year
Thank you for your support this year
Thank you for your support this year
Unbearable harness wounds are making every day a misery for working animals. Will you help them?
Unbearable harness wounds are making every day a misery for working animals. Will you help them?
Unbearable harness wounds are making every day a misery for working animals. Will you help them?
Unbearable harness wounds are making every day a misery for working animals. Will you help them?
Unbearable harness wounds are making every day a misery for working animals. Will you help them?
Working animals are facing life changing sight loss
Working animals are suffering needlessly.
Working animals need your support now, more than ever
Working animals need your support now, more than ever
Working dogs are suffering in Malawi
Working dogs in Malawi are suffering
Working dogs in Malawi are suffering
Working dogs in Malawi are suffering
Working dogs in Malawi are suffering
Working dogs in Malawi are suffering
Working dogs in Malawi are suffering
Working dogs in Malawi are suffering
Working dogs in Malawi are suffering
Working dogs in Malawi are suffering
Working dogs in Malawi are suffering
Working dogs in Malawi are suffering
Working dogs in Malawi are suffering
Working dogs in Malawi are suffering
Working dogs in Malawi are suffering
Working dogs in Malawi are suffering
Working dogs in Malawi are suffering
Working dogs in Malawi are suffering
Working dogs in Malawi are suffering
Working dogs in Malawi are suffering
Working dogs in Malawi are suffering
Donate to SPANA to help the world’s working animals
Donate now